16 research outputs found

    Téléchargement de Contenus dans les réseaux véhiculaires

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    L’évolution des systèmes de communications sans fil a permis d’envisager de très nombreuses applications pour les systèmes de transport intelligents (ITS). Elles peuvent ou non utiliser une infrastructure et iront de la sécurité routière aux applications de confort du conducteur ou aux jeux en réseaux. La mise à jour de cartes constitue de notre point de vue une application représentative dans la mesure où ce n’est pas une application de sécurité en tant que telle, mais qu’en revanche elle peut contribuer à réduire les embouteillages en améliorant l’efficacité dans la prise de décisions des conducteurs. Elle possède des caractéristiques facilement identifiables : volume élevé de données, faible contrainte de délai, possibilité de mise en œuvre par des communications d’infrastructure à véhicule, entre véhicules, et hybrides. L’objectif est que les contenus soient téléchargés intégralement par tous les véhicules en un temps minimal, en utilisant le moins de ressources possible et au moindre coût. Les solutions qui sont apparues comme les plus adaptées ont concerné l’utilisation de solutions 802.11p avec ou sans infrastructure. Dans le cas de solutions avec infrastructure, un certain nombre de points d’accès diffuseront des informations avec des zones de couverture le plus souvent disjointes. Vu les tailles de zone retenues et/ou le débit consacré à ce type d’applications, le passage devant un seul point d’accès ne suffira pas à télécharger de telles cartes. Il s’agit alors de définir des stratégies de diffusion d’information. Une première étude a consisté à comparer une stratégie unicast à du broadcast/multicast. Cette dernière se révèle largement meilleure. Une combinaison de ces principes n’améliore pas les performances du système, car le débit consacré à la transmission unicast ne compense pas le débit non utilisé par le broadcast. Le problème provient des doublons reçus par les véhicules en passant auprès de plusieurs points d’accès consécutifs. Afin d’atténuer le phénomène des doublons, nous avons eu recours au Codage Réseau linéaire pseudo-aléatoire. L’idée est que le point d’accès diffuse des combinaisons linéaires de morceaux de fichiers. Le grand nombre de ces combinaisons linéaires réduit de façon significative ce phénomène. De façon complémentaire, nous avons étudié l’utilisation de communications ad-hoc pour combler les morceaux de fichier manquants, en particulier dans le cas d’absence d’infrastructure. Nous avons vérifié que l’on pouvait atteindre de bons résultats dans ce contexte en fonction de la diversité des morceaux de fichiers appartenant aux véhicules rencontrés. ABSTRACT : The evolution of wireless communications systems have enabled to consider many applications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). They may or may not use the infrastructure. They will consider from the traffic safety applications up to the driver’s comfort or network games. The map updates are, from our point of view, a representative application but in the other hand it can help to reduce congestion in improving efficiency in decision making. It has well-defined characteristics : high volume of data, low delay constraint, possibility of implementation of infrastructure-to-vehicle communications, between vehicles and hybrids. The objective is that the contents are fully downloaded by all vehicles in minimum time, using fewer resources and lower costs. The solutions that have emerged as the most suitable concerned the use of the technology 802.11p with or without infrastructure. In the case of solutions with infrastructure, a number of access points broadcast information with coverage areas most often disjointed. Given the size of area used and/or flow devoted to this type of applications, the transition to a single access point is not enough to download these maps. It is then to define strategies of information dissemination. A first study was to compare a unicast strategy face to broadcast/multicast strategy. The latter appears largely improved. A combination of these principles does not improve system performance, because the flow devoted to unicast transmission does not compensate for the flow not used by the broadcast. The problem is duplicate chunks received by vehicles passing from several consecutive access points. To mitigate the phenomenon of duplication, we used the linear network coding pseudorandom. The idea is that the access point broadcasts linear combinations of chunks of files. The large number of these linear combinations significantly reduces this phenomenon. In a complementary manner, we investigated the use of ad hoc communications to fill the missing chunks of file, particularly in the absence of infrastructure. We verified that we could achieve good results in this context based on the diversity of chunks of files which are owned by the encountered vehicles

    Mechatronic Design of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton

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    This chapter presents a lower limb exoskeleton mechatronic design. The design aims to be used as a walking support device focused on patients who suffer of partial lower body paralysis due to spine injuries or caused by a stroke. First, the mechanical design is presented and the results are validated through dynamical simulations performed in Autodesk Inventor and MATLAB. Second, a communication network design is proposed in order to establish a secure and fast data link between sensors, actuators, and microprocessors. Finally, patient‐exoskeleton system interaction is presented and detailed. Movement generation is performed by means of digital signal processing techniques applied to electromyography (EMG) and electrocardiography (EEG) signals. Such interaction system design is tested and evaluated in MATLAB whose results are presented and explained. A proposal of real‐time supervisory control is also presented as a part of the integration of every component of the exoskeleton

    Design and implementation of wireless sensor network with LoRa technology for industrial monitoring

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    El creciente desarrollo del Internet de las Cosas (IoT, Internet of Things) ha diversificado sus campos de aplicación, mejorando no solo la interconexión de personas, sino también, la comunicación entre maquinaria industrial (M2M, Machine-to-Machine), en las que sus características en alcance, escalabilidad y bajo costo de despliegue, pueden ser aprovechadas. Las tecnologías LoRa y LoRaWAN se muestran como una de las principales opciones de comunicación inalámbrica de bajo costo en la integración de sistemas industriales con mira a los nuevos requerimientos de la Industria 4.0. En este trabajo se realizó una campaña de mediciones y el análisis de los datos obtenidos, para evaluar el comportamiento y la aplicabilidad de las tecnologías LoRa y LoRaWAN dentro de ambientes industriales. Para contrastar los resultados, se realizaron pruebas en ambientes urbanos despejados, donde se observó que las condiciones dentro de las naves industriales, permiten establecer un enlace con condiciones de radio frecuencia favorables. Inicialmente se han considerado escenarios de corto alcance (<100 m) en los que se mantiene una línea de vista entre el transmisor y el receptor.The growing development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has diversified its fields of application, improving not only the interconnection of people but as well the communication between industrial machinery (M2M, Machine-to-Machine), in which its features in range, scalability, and low cost of deployment can be taken advantage of. LoRa and LoRaWAN technologies are presented as one of the main low-cost wireless communication options in the integration of industrial systems with a view to the new requirements of Industry 4.0. In this work, a measurement campaign and the analysis of the data obtained were performed to evaluate the behavior and applicability of LoRa and LoRaWAN technologies within industrial environments. To contrast the results, tests were performed in clear urban environments, where it was observed that the conditions inside the industrial buildings allow the establishment of a link with favorable radio frequency conditions. Initially, short-range scenarios (<100 m) have been considered in which a line of sight is maintained between the transmitter and the receiver

    Rain gauge data logger based on ATMEL microcontroller and LoRa transceiver

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    El programa del agua y el suelo (PROMAS) de la Universidad de Cuenca contribuye al manejo sostenible de los recursos agua y suelo. Para llevar a cabo este cometido, el PROMAS requiere, entre otros, monitorear parámetros ambientales utilizando estaciones meteorológicas. En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un registrador de datos pluviométricos en un PCB compacto utilizando componentes de montaje superficial. Para transmitir la información se usa la tecnología LoRaWAN/LoRa. LoRa es una de las tecnologías de redes de largo alcance y bajo consumo LPWAN. LoRaWAN es un protocolo que gestiona la comunicación de extremo a extremo. Este desarrollo integra la adquisición, el almacenamiento y la transmisión de los datos. La arquitectura está integrada por nodos sensores distribuidos en toda el área de interés, un dispositivo gateway y el servidor de red. El registrador de datos tiene como función adicional la descarga de datos in-situ usando tecnología WiFi, para esto se utiliza un gateway. Las pruebas realizadas mostraron que el prototipo desarrollado funcionó correctamente en la adquisición, transmisión y almacenamiento de datos.The water and soil program (PROMAS) of the University of Cuenca contributes to the sustainable management of water and soil resources. To carry out this task, PROMAS requires, among others, to monitor environmental parameters using meteorological stations. In the present work, a rainfall data logger was developed on a compact printed circuit board (PCB) using surface mount components. LoRaWAN/ LoRa technology is used to transmit the information. LoRa is one of the LPWAN low power, long range network technologies. LoRaWAN is a protocol that manages end-to-end communication. This development integrates the acquisition, storage and transmission of data. The architecture is made up of a gateway device, the network server, and sensor nodes distributed over the area of interest. The data logger has the additional function of downloading data on-site using WiFi technology. The tests carried out showed that the developed prototype worked correctly in the acquisition, transmission and storage of data

    Redes 5G: una revisión desde las perspectivas de arquitectura, modelos de negocio, ciberseguridad y desarrollos de investigación

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    5G technology is transforming our critical networks, with long-term implications. Since 5G is transitioning to a purely software-based network, potential improvements will be software updates, like how smartphones are upgraded. For the global enterprise, the 5G arrival would be disruptive. Long-awaited solutions to various flaws in critical networking systems will arise due to 5G network adoption. Furthermore, the shortcomings of technology in contributing to business growth and success would be turned on their heads. The more complicated part of the actual 5G race is retooling how we protect the most critical network of the twenty-first century and the ecosystem of devices and applications that sprout from that network due to cyber software vulnerabilities. The new technologies enabled by new applications running on 5G networks have much potential. However, as we move toward a connected future, equal or more attention should be paid to protecting those links, computers, and applications. We address critical aspects of 5G standardization and architecture in this article. We also provide a detailed summary of 5G network business models, use cases, and cybersecurity. Furthermore, we perform a study of computer simulation methods and testbeds for the research and development of potential 5G network proposals, which are elements that are rarely addressed in current surveys and review articles.La tecnología 5G está transformando nuestras redes críticas, con implicaciones a largo plazo. Dado que 5G está en transición a una red puramente basada en software, las mejoras potenciales serán las actualizaciones de software, como la forma en que se actualizan los teléfonos inteligentes en la actualidad. Para la empresa global, la llegada de 5G sería disruptiva. Las soluciones largamente esperadas para una variedad de fallas en los sistemas clave de networking surgirán debido a la adopción de la red 5G. Además, las deficiencias de la tecnología en términos de contribuir al crecimiento empresarial y al éxito se pondrán de cabeza. La parte más complicada de la carrera 5G real es reestructurar la forma en que protegemos la red más crítica del siglo XXI y el ecosistema de dispositivos y aplicaciones que surgen de esa red debido a las vulnerabilidades cibernéticas del software. Las nuevas tecnologías habilitadas por las nuevas aplicaciones que se ejecutan en redes 5G tienen mucho potencial. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzamos hacia un futuro conectado, se debe prestar igual o mayor atención a la protección de esos enlaces, computadoras y aplicaciones. En este artículo se abordan los aspectos clave de la estandarización y la arquitectura 5G. También se proporciona un resumen detallado de los modelos comerciales de redes 5G, casos de uso y ciberseguridad. Además, se realiza un estudio de métodos de simulación por computadora y bancos de pruebas para la investigación y el desarrollo de posibles propuestas de redes 5G, que son elementos que rara vez se abordan en estudios y artículos de revisión actuales.Facultad de Informátic

    Pseudo Random Network Coding in Infrastructure to Vehicle Environment for Data Download

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    This paper introduces a new approach for infrastructure based content distribution in a vehicular network. It is built on broadcasting and pseudo random network coding. Its main strength is that, being broadcast based, it does not need any feedback channel and thus uses less data rate. Data is transmitted exploiting network coding, multiple linear combinations of data are sent. A vehicle needs to receive a defined number of independent linear combinations to decode the data. The server will send a larger number of different linear combinations. The unreliability of broadcast is thus neutralized through a useful redundancy rather than through re-transmission. Finally, computation of the linear combination coefficients is done so that the overhead is the same as it would be without network coding. Depending on the infrastructure deployed, this technique can be a content distribution solution per se or the first step in a more general solution, the second step being based on collaborative download. The high diversity in transmissions will then be a key feature for the performance of such an application.Quit

    Content download in the Vehicular Networks

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    L’évolution des systèmes de communications sans fil a permis d’envisager de très nombreuses applications pour les systèmes de transport intelligents (ITS). Elles peuvent ou non utiliser une infrastructure et iront de la sécurité routière aux applications de confort du conducteur ou aux jeux en réseaux. La mise à jour de cartes constitue de notre point de vue une application représentative dans la mesure où ce n’est pas une application de sécurité en tant que telle, mais qu’en revanche elle peut contribuer à réduire les embouteillages en améliorant l’efficacité dans la prise de décisions des conducteurs. Elle possède des caractéristiques facilement identifiables : volume élevé de données, faible contrainte de délai, possibilité de mise en œuvre par des communications d’infrastructure à véhicule, entre véhicules, et hybrides. L’objectif est que les contenus soient téléchargés intégralement par tous les véhicules en un temps minimal, en utilisant le moins de ressources possible et au moindre coût. Les solutions qui sont apparues comme les plus adaptées ont concerné l’utilisation de solutions 802.11p avec ou sans infrastructure. Dans le cas de solutions avec infrastructure, un certain nombre de points d’accès diffuseront des informations avec des zones de couverture le plus souvent disjointes. Vu les tailles de zone retenues et/ou le débit consacré à ce type d’applications, le passage devant un seul point d’accès ne suffira pas à télécharger de telles cartes. Il s’agit alors de définir des stratégies de diffusion d’information. Une première étude a consisté à comparer une stratégie unicast à du broadcast/multicast. Cette dernière se révèle largement meilleure. Une combinaison de ces principes n’améliore pas les performances du système, car le débit consacré à la transmission unicast ne compense pas le débit non utilisé par le broadcast. Le problème provient des doublons reçus par les véhicules en passant auprès de plusieurs points d’accès consécutifs. Afin d’atténuer le phénomène des doublons, nous avons eu recours au Codage Réseau linéaire pseudo-aléatoire. L’idée est que le point d’accès diffuse des combinaisons linéaires de morceaux de fichiers. Le grand nombre de ces combinaisons linéaires réduit de façon significative ce phénomène. De façon complémentaire, nous avons étudié l’utilisation de communications ad-hoc pour combler les morceaux de fichier manquants, en particulier dans le cas d’absence d’infrastructure. Nous avons vérifié que l’on pouvait atteindre de bons résultats dans ce contexte en fonction de la diversité des morceaux de fichiers appartenant aux véhicules rencontrés.The evolution of wireless communications systems have enabled to consider many applications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). They may or may not use the infrastructure. They will consider from the traffic safety applications up to the driver’s comfort or network games. The map updates are, from our point of view, a representative application but in the other hand it can help to reduce congestion in improving efficiency in decision making. It has well-defined characteristics : high volume of data, low delay constraint, possibility of implementation of infrastructure-to-vehicle communications, between vehicles and hybrids. The objective is that the contents are fully downloaded by all vehicles in minimum time, using fewer resources and lower costs. The solutions that have emerged as the most suitable concerned the use of the technology 802.11p with or without infrastructure. In the case of solutions with infrastructure, a number of access points broadcast information with coverage areas most often disjointed. Given the size of area used and/or flow devoted to this type of applications, the transition to a single access point is not enough to download these maps. It is then to define strategies of information dissemination. A first study was to compare a unicast strategy face to broadcast/multicast strategy. The latter appears largely improved. A combination of these principles does not improve system performance, because the flow devoted to unicast transmission does not compensate for the flow not used by the broadcast. The problem is duplicate chunks received by vehicles passing from several consecutive access points. To mitigate the phenomenon of duplication, we used the linear network coding pseudorandom. The idea is that the access point broadcasts linear combinations of chunks of files. The large number of these linear combinations significantly reduces this phenomenon. In a complementary manner, we investigated the use of ad hoc communications to fill the missing chunks of file, particularly in the absence of infrastructure. We verified that we could achieve good results in this context based on the diversity of chunks of files which are owned by the encountered vehicles

    Trajectory tracking of a quadrotor using sliding mode control

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    This paper presents the design of a sliding mode control (SMC) for trajectory tracking of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), quadrotor. A simplified model of the quadrotor is used for the controller design. The robustness of the controller is verified through simulations, and also through data analysis from the experiments in the 3DR Arducopter platform. The SMC algorithms are implemented in a microcontroller that communicates with a human machine interface (HMI), which monitors the behavior and stability of the state variables. The results show effectiveness of the control technique for maintaining stability in the quadrotor under different operating scenarios

    Aplicación de tecnologías inalámbricas al monitoreo climatológico en la cuenca del Río Paute

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    The program for the management of the water and soil (PROMAS) is a research department of the University of Cuenca. It focuses on the monitoring and conservation of the water sources and natural resources. Among others, such program mainly requires the monitoring of several variables by means of a set of hydro-meteorological stations. From its beginning, the program has deployed around 130 stations in an extensive geographic area of interest, ranging from the Cajas sector in the province of Azuay to the province of Cañar. Currently, the meteorological stations stores the variables of interest in their internal memory. Then, the analysis of the collected data requires the physical displacement of the Promas staff to the different sites. Due to the fact that most of the remote sites are of difficult access, the personal obtain the information with a periodicity of around 30 and 45 days. In this context, this paper describes the work on progress whose main objective is to provide to the meteorological stations with the wireless transmission capacity of the data collected by the sensors to the Promas data center in real time.El Programa para el Manejo del Agua y Suelo (PROMAS) de la Universidad de Cuenca, realiza investigación y consultoría en el campo de monitoreo y conservación de recursos hídricos. Dicho programa requiere principalmente el monitoreo de varias variables mediante la utilización de estaciones meteorológicas. Desde sus inicios, el programa ha desplegado alrededor de 130 estaciones en un área de interés geográfica extensa, que comprende desde el sector del Cajas en la provincia del Azuay hasta la provincia del Cañar. Las estaciones meteorológicas guardan las variables de interés en su memoria interna y por tanto, la obtención de los datos recopilados por los distintos sensores para su análisis requiere el desplazamiento del personal hacia los sitios, que en su mayoría son de difícil acceso y por tanto se hacen con una periodicidad de entre 30 y 45 días. En este contexto, el presente artículo describe los avances de un proyecto en curso que tiene como principal objetivo el de dotar a las estaciones meteorológicas con la capacidad de transmisión inalámbrica de los datos recopilados por los sensores en tiempo real hacia el centro de datos del Promas ubicado en el campus de la Universidad de Cuenca

    An open source SCADA system to implement advanced computer integrated manufacturing

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    The computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) approach allows the possibility to remotely and optimally control the entire production process in a plant. The implementation of CIM architectures demands the installation of several software platforms, which most of the cases are commercial and have high licensing prices. This research presents the development of an open software architecture for advanced CIM (OSACIM) by using two open software development platforms: Java and Python. The use of open software in the development of this solution allows the creation of a low price CIM approach. The results of using the system in laboratory tests show good results in comparison with commercial softwares for developing OPC communications and SCADA systems, which perform similar functionalities as the proposed OSACIM. The main features and limitations of the system are reported